Apr 8 2012

Image of the Day: Spirals and Reflections

Valerie Hayes


Spirals and Reflections (Passion Vine)

Reflections | Flickr – Photo Sharing!.

Mar 10 2012

Images of the day: Daffodils

Valerie Hayes
Daffodils 1--Tech Pan

Daffodils 1, processed in Lightroom to resemble a photo taken with Kodak Tech Pan



Daffodils 1–Tech Pan-1 | Flickr – Photo Sharing!.

I have been experimenting with processing the same image several different ways in Lightroom.  Above, an image of daffodils has been processed to look as though it were taken with Kodak Tech Pan film, a very fine-grain, low-ASA film.  The mood and look are quite different than when the same image is processed to look as though it were taken with some other type of film.  The details are different; the tones are different; the emphasis is different.

Daffodils 1--Cyanotype

Daffodils 1--processed in Lightroom to resemble a cyanotype


Daffodils 1--PH

Mar 8 2012

Image of the day: Plum blossom

Valerie Hayes


Plum Blossom (digital selenium)

Plum Blossom 1–Selenium-1 | Flickr – Photo Sharing!.

Photographed in color and processed in Lightroom to resemble a selenium print.

“Biophilia, if it exists, and I believe it exists, is the innately emotional affiliation of human beings to other living organisms.”

~E.O. Wilson, from ‘Biophilia and the Conservation Ethic”, an essay in The Biophilia Hypothesis, Stephen Kellert, Ed.

E.O. Wilson is easily one of the greatest biologists of our time, the father of sociobiology, and the originator of the biophilia hypothesis.