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Redemption Atlanta August 21, 2014
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Dog Breeds
Infographic: All Dogs are Individuals
by Animal Farm Foundation
Just One Day–June 11, 2014
Best Of
- I was there
- Interview with Nathan Winograd, part 1
- Interview with Nathan Winograd, part 2
- Shelter Pet Population 101
- Support Oreo’s Law
- A modest proposal
- Still killing after all these years
- Requiem for a stray dog
- Building No Kill communities lights the way for change in Georgia
- Oppose anti-pit bull legislation
- Change is in the wind for the nation’s companion animals
- No quarter for cats
- Interview with Karen Delise, part 1
- Interview with Karen Delise, part 2
- Interview with Robyn Kippenberger
- Interview with Kelly Jedlicki
- Interview with Mitch Schneider
- Interview with Jane Pierantozzi
- A dog has her day
- Georgia poised to ban the gas chamber
- Rescue was on the way
- My article in The American Dog Magazine
- The same river twice
- So near, yet so far apart
- The ASPCA and the case of the extremely elusive documents
- The ASPCA: Too big to care?
- An open letter to Mary Jo White, Chair of the ASPCA Board of Directors
- A reply to my open letter to Mary Jo White, Chair of the ASPCA Board of Directors
- PETA went down to Georgia
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